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Frequently Asked Questions: Genome Edited Plants
Biosafety Resource Book Series | April 4, 2024

Published by the South Asia Biosafety Program, this booklet provides information about genome edited plants in a simple language, so readers may better understand the science, applications, and policies at the global and national levels.

Climate Analogs Can Catalyze Cross‐Regional Dialogs for US Specialty Crop Adaptation
Scientific Reports | June 8, 2023

Communication theory suggests that interactive dialog rather than information transmission is necessary for climate change action, especially for complex systems like agriculture. A pilot dialog of target‐analog pairs showed promise in eliciting actionable adaptation insights, indicating potential value in incorporating analog‐driven dialogs more broadly in climate change communication.

GEnZ Explorer: A Tool for Visualizing Agroclimate to Inform Research and Regulatory Risk Assessment
Transgenic Research | June 6, 2023

This paper describes the development of an open-source tool, the GEnZ Explorer, that provides agroclimate together with overall crop production information to assist regulators and applicants in making informed choices on whether data from previous CFTs can inform an environmental risk assessment in a new country, as well as help developers determine optimal locations for planning future CFTs. The GEnZ Explorer allows users to identify the agroclimate zones that are relevant for the production of 21 major crops and crop categories.

In Pursuit of More Fruitful Food Systems
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment | October 4, 2022

Recent analyses suggest that global fruit and vegetable (F&V) production will need to increase by 50–150% by 2050 to achieve sustainable and healthy diets for all 10 billion people expected to inhabit the world. We have just completed a 5-year project that began to tackle this daunting challenge: fruit and vegetable supply chains: climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities.

New Applications of Insecticidal RNAi
Frontiers in Agronomy | May 27, 2022

Reduced reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides that may negatively impact pollinators and other beneficial insects is an aim of both private industry and governmental agencies alike. The need for environmentally sound methods of insect control has inspired research into a wide range of bio-based technologies. RNA interference has emerged as a highly effective tool with inherent potential to control a wide range of insects.

Towards a Harmonised Approach to Food Safety Assessment of Genetically Engineered Plants in South Asia – Expert Working Group Report
December 20, 2021

The harmonisation initiative in South Asia was formally undertaken in 2020 by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI) by convening an Expert Working Group (EWG) constituted of senior experts and regulators identified from agencies in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Sri Lanka that are relevant to the safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA plants. This report was systematically drafted by the EWG.

Supply Chains for Processed Potato and Tomato Products in the United States Will Have Enhanced Resilience with Planting Adaptation Strategies
Nature Food | October 18, 2021

Food systems are increasingly challenged to meet growing demand for specialty crops due to the effects of climate change and increased competition for resources. In this paper, researchers apply an integrated methodology that includes climate, crop, economic and life cycle assessment models to US potato and tomato supply chains.

Mitigating Sustainability Tradeoffs as Global Fruit and Vegetable Systems Expand to Meet Dietary Recommendations
Environmental Research Letters | May 4, 2021

This paper examines three examples of important F&V—avocados, leafy greens, and tomatoes—to assess the global challenge of meeting dietary recommendations at affordable prices to consumers while sustaining producer livelihoods and minimizing environmental damage.

Frequently Asked Questions: Genetically Engineered Plants and Biosafety
Biosafety Resource Book Series | March 30, 2021

The South Asia Biosafety Program designed this booklet to address some of the questions the general public may have about the safety of genetically engineered plants, with explanations in easy and understandable language.

Biosafety Regulation and Processes in Bangladesh: A Guide for Researchers in Agricultural Biotechnology
Biosafety Resource Book Series | November 19, 2020

Part of the South Asia Biosafety Program’s capacity development interventions, this publication aims to inform researchers about the prevailing regulatory administrative system of Bangladesh and outlines the regulatory processes functioning at different stages of research and development of GE crops.

Paraguay’s Path Toward the Simplification of Procedures in the Approval of GE Crops
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | August 18, 2020

This paper presents the recent evolution of the regulatory system in Paraguay toward the establishment of a simplified procedure for GE crops that have been already assessed by sound and experienced regulatory systems, taking into account several scientific criteria. Dr. Carmen Vicién, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute in-country partner, was a co-author of this paper, which references the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute’s involvement in the Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation in Paraguay.

Climate Indicators for Agriculture
USDA Technical Bulletin | July 29, 2020

This report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture focuses on how agricultural systems are impacted by climate change and offers a list of 20 indicators that provide a broad look at what is happening across the country.

Sublethal Endpoints in Non-Target Organism Testing for Insect-Active GE Crops
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | June 9, 2020

This review paper focuses on the current status and history of sublethal endpoint use in insect-active GE crops and evaluates the future use of sublethal endpoints for new and emerging technologies.

Genetic Biocontrol for Invasive Species
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | May 25, 2020

This publication provides an overview of the state of genetic biocontrol, focusing on several approaches that were the subject of presentations at the Genetic Biocontrol for Invasive Species Workshop, which was sponsored by the OECD’s Co-operative Research Program on Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems.

Towards a Multiscale Crop Modelling Framework for Climate Change Adaptation Assessment
Nature Plants | April 15, 2020

An advanced multiscale crop modelling framework will enable a gene-to-farm design of resilient and sustainable crop production systems under a changing climate at regional-to-global scales.

Problem Formulation for Gene Drive Mosquitoes Designed to Reduce Malaria Transmission in Africa: Results from Four Regional Consultations 2016–2018
Malaria Journal | October 15, 2019

This summary publication captures the findings from four African consultations organized by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) to identify risk hypotheses and data needs for future environmental risk assessment of gene drives in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae.

Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety in South Asia: Progress and Prospects
SAARC Agriculture Centre | September 30, 2019

This book contains the papers and proceedings of the SAARC Regional Consultative Meeting on the Progress and Prospects of Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety in South Asia, which took place on June 18- 20, 2019 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Protocol for US Fruit and Vegetable Crop Modeling
October 1, 2018

The goal of this protocol is to assess the climate change impact on fruit and vegetable production and potential adaptations, including possible shifts in production area in the United States.

OECD Consensus Document of the Biology of Mosquito Aedes aegypti
Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment (Volume 8) | June 23, 2018

Volume 8 of the series Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment contains the first OECD biosafety consensus document to deal with the biology of an insect, the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

Capacities for the Risk Assessment of GMOs: Challenges to Build Sustainable Systems
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | April 5, 2018

The need for functional risk assessment bodies in general, and in the biosafety field in particular, demands continued efforts and commitment from regulatory agencies, if results that are sustainable in time are to be achieved. Dr. Carmen Vicién, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute in-country partner, was a co-author of this paper, which references the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute’s involvement in the Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation in Paraguay and the use of Agriculture & Food Systems Institute eLearning courses in Kenya.

Feasibility Study of Iron Fortification of Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa
July 1, 2017

This report contains information on the current health situation, rice production and distribution systems, and potential partners in ten countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Using ICT for remote sensing, crowdsourcing and big data to unlock the potential of agriculture data
World Bank | June 27, 2017

ICT in Agriculture, Updated Edition is the revised version of the popular ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook, first launched in 2011 and designed to support practitioners, decision makers, and development partners who work at the intersection of ICT and agriculture. Dr. Morven McLean, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, was a co-author of Chapter 15: “Using ICT for remote sensing, crowdsourcing and big data to unlock the potential of agriculture data. This chapter features an innovative practice summary of the Crop Composition Database.

Crop Health and Its Global Impacts on the Components of Food Security
Food Security | March 17, 2017

This article attempts to develop a framework that would enable assessment of the impacts of plant diseases, referred collectively to as crop health, on food security via its components. Given the number of components and interactions at play, a systems modelling approach is required to address the functioning of food systems exposed to plant disease risks.

A Review of the Food and Feed Safety of the PAT Protein
December 31, 2016

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the assessment of the protein PAT for food and feed safety.

A Review of the Food and Feed Safety of the Cry1Ac Protein
December 31, 2016

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the assessment of the protein Cry1Ac for food and feed safety.

A Review of the Food and Feed Safety of the Cry1Ab Protein
December 31, 2016

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the assessment of the protein Cry1Ab for food and feed safety.

A Review of the Food and Feed Safety of the EPSPS Protein
December 31, 2016

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the assessment of the EPSPS protein for food and feed safety.

CQuest: Charting a Course for Climate Research in Agriculture Workshop Summary Report
December 1, 2016

This report contains a full session summary, participation and polling information, and the top research targets identified for US Agriculture during C-Quest: Charting a Course for Climate Research in Agriculture. It also includes research needs and polling results for each of the breakout topics.

Results from the Workshop “Problem Formulation for the Use of Gene Drive in Mosquitoes”
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | November 29, 2016

Reducing the incidence of malaria has been a public health priority for nearly a century. However, before new technologies and associated vector control strategies  can be developed and exploited, it will be necessary to understand and assess the likelihood of any potential harms to humans or the environment. To begin this process, the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute organized an expert workshop to consider the potential risks related to the use of gene drives in Anopheles gambiae for malaria control in Africa.

Release of the International Life Sciences Institute Crop Composition Database Version 5
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | May 6, 2016

The International Life Sciences Institute Crop Composition Database (CCDB) Version 5 was released to the public in October 2014, and is an open-access source of comprehensive nutritional composition data for six conventionally bred crops (canola, cotton, field corn, rice, soybean, and sweet corn). This article focuses on the improvements to the database through Version 5, including increased utility and ease of use that provides a high quality representation of variability in crop nutritional composition.  

Dynamic Role and Importance of Surrogate Species for Assessing Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Insect-Resistant Plants on Non-Target Organisms
Transgenic Research | March 1, 2016

Surrogate species have a long history of use in research and regulatory settings to understand the potentially harmful effects of toxic substances including pesticides.

Seven Food System Metrics of Sustainable Nutrition Security
Sustainability | February 23, 2016

Sustainability considerations have been absent from most food security assessments conducted to date, despite the tremendous economic, environmental, and social implications of meeting accelerating food demand in the face of water shortages and climate change.

Obesogenic Environment – Intervention Opportunities
Jornal de Pediatria | February 5, 2016

This journal article evaluates environmental obesogenic-related factors, such as physical activity in neighborhoods and schools, nutritional behavior, and intervention programs.

Effects of a TAKE 10! Classroom-Based Physical Activity Intervention on 3rd to 5th Grades Children’s On-task Behavior
Journal of Physical Activity and Health | January 1, 2016

Prolonged sitting at desks during the school day without a break may result in off-task behavior in students. This study was designed to examine the effects of a classroom physical activity intervention, using TAKE 10!®, on elementary school students’ on-task behavior.

Pharaoh’s Dream Revisited: An Integrated US Midwest Field Research Network for Climate Adaptation
BioScience | December 16, 2015

Climate science forecasts rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and episodes of increasingly extreme weather, which will harm crop yields at a time when the world’s growing population can ill afford declines, especially in its most productive areas, such as the US Midwest. To adequately prepare, this article calls for the establishment of a new field research network across the US Midwest to fully integrate all methods for improving cropping systems and leveraging big data (agronomic, economic, environmental, and genomic) to facilitate adaptation and mitigation.

Biosafety Research for Non-target Organism Risk Assessment of RNAi-based GE Plants
Frontiers in Plant Science | November 10, 2015

RNA interference, or RNAi, refers to a set of biological processes that make use of conserved cellular machinery to silence genes. This paper proposes research areas that may be beneficial for future environmental risk assessments of RNAi-based genetically modified plants, with a particular focus on non-target organism assessment.

Criterios propuestos para identificar cultivos genéticamente modificados que presentan un riesgo bajo o insignificante para el ambiente en condiciones de baja presencia en semillas
Transgenic Research | October 30, 2015

This article is the Spanish translation of “Proposed Criteria for Identifying GE Crop Plants That Pose a Low or Negligible Risk to the Environment Under Conditions of Low-Level Presence in Seed,” which appeared in Transgenic Research.

The Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation: Project Summary
September 1, 2015

View the summary document of the Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation. 

Proposed Criteria for Identifying GE Crop Plants That Pose a Low or Negligible Risk to the Environment Under Conditions of Low-Level Presence in Seed
Transgenic Research | August 26, 2015

The low-level presence (LLP) of genetically engineered (GE) seeds that have been approved in the country of origin but not the country of import presents challenges for regulators in both seed importing and exporting countries, as well as for the international seed trade and the farmers who rely on it.

¡Miranos! (Look at Us! We Are Healthy!): Home-Based and Parent Peer-Led Childhood Obesity Prevention
August 14, 2015

Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system (2015). Final Project Report from the UK-US Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience, The Global Food Security programme, UK. Dr. Dave Gustafson, Director, CIMSANS, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute is a co-author of the report.

Extreme Weather and Resilience of the Global Food System
August 14, 2015

Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system (2015). Final Project Report from the UK-US Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience, The Global Food Security programme, UK. Dr. Dave Gustafson, Director, CIMSANS, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute is a co-author of the report.

The Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation: External Evaluation
July 31, 2015

The Partnership for Biosafety Risk Assessment and Regulation (PBRAR) is one of the few biotechnology and biosafety programs that has successfully created bridges between the agricultural sector and the environmental sector.  Strong program leadership by the Director of the Center for Environmental Risk Assessment and senior technical and communications staff leading the PBRAR’s various activities contributed to the success of the program. Read this evaluation report from Dr. Gabrielle Persley about the program.

Characteristics and Safety Assessment of Intractable Proteins in Genetically Modified Crops
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | July 31, 2014

While the basic tiered weight-of-evidence approach for assessing the safety of genetically modified crops proposed by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) in 2008 is applicable to intractable proteins, new or modified methods may be required. The alternatives are discussed in this paper.

Comparison of Two School-Based Programmes for Health Behaviour Change: The Belo Horizonte Heart Study Randomized Trial
Public Health Nutrition | June 30, 2014

This paper assesses the efficacy of two school-based programmes designed to promote students’ willingness to engage in lifestyle changes related to eating habits and physical activity behaviours.

Assessing Sustainable Nutrition Security: The Role of Food Systems
June 1, 2014

This working paper explores the key domains of sustainable nutrition security (SNS).

Get Healthy Together: A Program to Improve Counseling for Childhood Obesity in Community-Based WIC Clinics
Health Care for the Poor and Underserved | May 31, 2014

The Get Healthy Together (GHT) project involved an 18month intervention that provided skills training and new tools to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program staff and a staff wellness program to improve the physical self concept and functioning of WIC employees.

Transportability of Confined Field Trial Data for Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Engineered Plants: A Conceptual Framework
Transgenic Research | April 21, 2014

It is commonly held that confined field trials (CFTs) used to evaluate the potential adverse environmental impacts of a genetically engineered (GE) plant should be conducted in each country where cultivation is intended, even when relevant and potentially sufficient data are already available from studies conducted elsewhere.

Does Increased Prescribed Exercise Alter Non-Exercise Physical Activity/Energy Expenditure in Health Adults? A Systematic Review
Clinical Obesity | April 3, 2014

Prescribed physical activity/exercise training may reduce non-exercise physical activity resulting in no change in total daily energy expenditure and no or minimal exercise-induced weight loss.

Low Level Presence in Seed: A Science Based Approach to Expedited Environmental Risk Assessment
March 31, 2014

The Agriculture & Food Systems Institute organized a workshop held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 18-19, 2013 on low level presence (LLP) in seed. This document contains the conference proceedings to address the potential adverse environmental impacts that might arise from an LLP in seed situation using a consistent and scientifically defensible approach to environmental risk assessment.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry3Bb1 Protein
March 27, 2014

This document provides a comprehensive review of the information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of Cry3Bb1, a protein encoded by a gene isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), and it presents a summary statement about the environmental safety of this protein when produced in genetically engineered (GE) maize (Zea mays) plants.

Climate Adaptation Imperatives: Untapped Global Maize Yield Opportunities
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | January 15, 2014

In this article, the authors discuss the difference between observed yields and those achievable by optimized crop production methods, or yield gap, for maize.

Surrogate Species Selection for Assessing Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Insect-Resistant Plants on Non-Target Organisms
GM Crops & Food | January 1, 2014

Most regulatory authorities require that developers of genetically engineered insect-resistant (GEI R) crops evaluate the potential for these crops to have adverse impacts on valued non-target organisms (NTOs), i.e., organisms not intended to be controlled by the trait.

Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Matrices – Phase 2.5 Report —Comparison of Existing Studies of Release Measurement for MWCNT-Polymer Composites
November 1, 2013

Currently there are no broadly accepted methods for evaluating release of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) from polymer matrices, which is a crucial component of conducting exposure assessments for nanomaterials in consumer products.

Toxicological Evaluation of Proteins Introduced Into Food Crops
Critical Reviews in Toxicology | October 28, 2013

This manuscript focuses on the toxicological evaluation of proteins introduced into GM crops to impart desired traits. In many cases, introduced proteins can be shown to have a history of safe use.

Climate Adaptation Imperatives: Global Sustainability Trends and Eco-efficiency Metrics in Four Major Crops – Canola, Cotton, Maize, and Soybeans
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | October 15, 2013

This paper presents national-level eco-efficiency metrics in several representative production countries during the most recent decade (2000–2010) for four important crops: canola, cotton, maize, and soybeans.

Navigating New Risk Landscapes & Opportunities in Global Food Systems
October 1, 2013

The Knowledge Systems for Sustainability Collaborative and the Tällberg Foundation met in Tällberg, Sweden discuss how public and private sector groups can work together to improve sufficiency and resilience in agriculture and food systems. These proceedings summarize those discussions and outline next steps.

Genetically Engineered Trees for Plantation Forests: Key Considerations for Environmental Risk Assessment
Plant Biotechnology Journal | August 13, 2013

Forests are vital to the world’s ecological, social, cultural and economic well-being yet sustainable provision of goods and services from forests is increasingly challenged by pressures such as growing demand for wood and other forest products, land conversion and degradation, and climate change.

Water Recovery and Reuse: Guidelines for Safe Application of Water Conservation Methods in Beverage Production and Food Processing
August 1, 2013

Many beverage producers and food processors are experiencing multiple pressures to find ways to minimize the total volume of water they use in the production of their product, and also to reduce waste water discharges.

Environmental Risk Assessment of GE Plants Under Low-Exposure Conditions
Transgenic Research | May 31, 2013

This paper presents some relevant considerations for conducting an ERA for a GE plant in a low-exposure scenario in the context of the generalized ERA paradigm, building on discussions and case studies presented during a session at ISBGMO 12.

Potential Release Scenarios for Carbon Nanotubes Used in Composites
Environment International | May 23, 2013

The expected widespread use of carbon nanotube (CNT)-composites in consumer products calls for an assessment of the possible release and exposure to workers, consumers and the environment.  Release of CNTs may occur at all steps in the life cycle of products, but to date only limited information is available about release of CNTs from actual products and articles.

A Look at Product Development with Genetically Modified Crops: Examples from Maize
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | May 13, 2013

Plant breeding for crop genetic improvement involves the cycle of creating genetic diversity and exploiting that diversity to derive an improved cultivar with outstanding performance for specific traits of interest. This article contains proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop.

Innovative Tools Help Counselors Discuss Childhood Obesity with Parents
Childhood Obesity | April 30, 2013

Four new tools to facilitate nutritional counseling of parents of overweight children during certifications were developed and systematically evaluated.

US Food Security and Climate Change: Agricultural Futures
Economics | February 22, 2013

This open access journal article explores how diminishing resources (arable land and water) is likely to affect future agricultural output.

The Use of Whole Food Animal Studies in the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Crops: Limitations and Recommendations
Critical Reviews in Toxicology | January 1, 2013

This manuscript by Bartholomaeus et al., published in Critical Reviews in Toxicology, focuses on the relevance and utility of whole food animal studies in safety assessments of GM crops (Task Force #10).

Natural Variation in Grain Composition of Wheat and Related Cereals
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Shewry et al. 2013;61(35):8295-8303) (Task Force #12).

How Composition Methods Are Developed and Validated
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Rogers. 2013;61(35):8312-8316) (Task Force #12).

Bringing a Transgenic Crop to Market: Where Compositional Analysis Fits
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Privalle et al. 2013;61(35):8260-8266) (Task Force #12).

Application of Laws, Policies, and Guidance From the United States and Canada to the Regulation of Food and Feed Derived From Genetically Modified Crops: Interpretation of Composition Data
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Price and Underhill. 2013;61(35):8349-8355) (Task Force #12).

Biological Importance and Statistical Significance
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Lovell. 2013;61(35):8340–8348) (Task Force #12).

Availability and Utility of Crop Composition Data
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (KItta. 2013;61(35):8304–8311) (Task Force #12).

Food Safety: Importance of Composition for Assessing Genetically Modified Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Jansen van Rijssen et al. 2013;61(35):8333-8339) (Task Force #12).

Compositional Analysis of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops: Key Issues and Future Needs
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Hoekenga et al. 2013;61(35):8248–8253) (Task Force #12).

Evaluation of Endogenous Allergens for the Safety Evaluation of Genetically Engineered Food Crops: Review of Potential Risks, Test Methods, Examples and Relevance
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Goodman et al. 2013;61(35):8317–8332).

Genetics and Consequences of Crop Domestication
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Flint-Garcia et al. 2013;61(35):8267-8276).

Safety of GM Crops: Compositional Analysis
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Brune et al. 2013;61(35):8243-8247) (Task Force #12).

Traditional and Modern Plant Breeding Methods With Examples in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Breseghello et al. 2013;61(35):8277–8286) (Task Force #12).

Evaluating the Potential for Adverse Interactions Within Genetically Engineered Breeding Stacks
Plant Physiology | January 1, 2013

This article, published in Plant Physiology, discusses evaluation of the potential for interactions between the products of the events in a GE stack that impact food and feed safety in the context of conventional breeding of non-GE plants (Task Force #9).

Mineral Biofortification Strategies for Food Staples: The Example of Common Bean
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | January 1, 2013

Proceedings from the 2012 IFBiC Plant Compositional Analysis Workshop, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Blair et al. 2013;61(35):8287-8294).

Proceedings: Surrogate Species Selection for Assessing Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Plants on Non-Target Organisms
January 1, 2013

To help identify and address the challenges facing researchers studying the effects of genetically engineered insect-resistant crops on non-target organisms (NTOs), CERA hosted the conference “Surrogate Species Selection for Assessing Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Plants on Non-Target Organisms.”

Do Short Physical Activity Breaks in Classrooms Work?
January 1, 2013

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Research Brief finds short physical activity breaks during the school day may improve student behavior and on-task behavior, and improve some measures of health. Agriculture & Food Systems Institute’s TAKE10! is mentioned as an school intervention program that helps.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 Proteins
January 1, 2013

This document provides a comprehensive review of the information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of two proteins encoded by genes isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis, Cry 34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1, and presents a summary statement about the environmental safety of these proteins when produced in the genetically engineered (GE) maize event DAS-59122-7 (Zea mays, L.).

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry2Ab Protein
January 1, 2013

This document provides a comprehensive review of the information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of Cry2Ab, a protein encoded by genes isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry1F Protein
January 1, 2013

This document provides a comprehensive review of the information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of Cry1F, a family of proteins encoded by genes isolated from acillus thuringiensis (Bt), and it presents a summary statement about the environmental safety of these proteins when produced in genetically engineered (GE) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and maize (Zea mays) plants.

Evaluación de inocuidad de alimentos y forrajes derivados de cultivos obtenidos por ingeniería genética: utilización de la formulación de problemas
Collection of Biosafety Reviews | January 1, 2013

This is the Spanish translation of “Safety Assessment of Food and Feed Derived from GM Crops: Using Problem Formulation to Ensure ‘Fit for Purpose’ Risk Assessments”

Safety Assessment of Food and Feed Derived from GM Crops: Using Problem Formulation to Ensure “Fit for Purpose” Risk Assessments
Collection of Biosafety Reviews | January 1, 2013

GM crops have been commercialised for over 20 years. Every GM crop commercialized has undergone a strict safety assessment to establish its safety for use in food and feed.

Get Healthy Together: USDA Final Report
December 31, 2012

Get Healthy Together is one of five WIC special project grants supported in 2007 by USDA Food and Nutrition Service as part of the “Fit WIC 2” initiative. View the final report from USDA on this project.

An Analysis of the Development and Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology in Pakistan
December 14, 2012

The purpose of this analysis is to present the context for biosafety regulation in Pakistan, including the investment and infrastructure currently dedicated to advanced agricultural technologies, and to review the legal and regulatory framework present in the country.

Míranos! Look at Us, We Are Healthy! An Environmental Approach to Early Childhood Obesity Prevention
Childhood Obesity | October 31, 2012

Obesity prevention research is sparse in young children at risk for obesity. This study tested the effectiveness of a culturally tailored, multicomponent prevention intervention to promote healthy weight gain and gross motor development in low income preschool age children.

Crop Genome Plasticity and Its Relevance to Food and Feed Safety of Genetically Engineered Breeding Stacks
Plant Physiology | January 1, 2012

This article, published in the December 2012 issue of Plant Physiology, draws on insights from plant breeding, describes the plasticity of conventional plant genomes over generations of crossing and selection, and considers the implications of event stacking on food and feed safety in the context of normal plant genome behavior (Task Force #9).

A Review of the Environmental Safety of Vip3Aa
January 1, 2012

This document provides a comprehensive review of publicly available data, peer-reviewed studies, and regulatory decision summaries relevant to the environmental risk assessment of the Vip3Aa protein, as expressed in maize and cotton plants.

The Status and Impact of Biosafety Regulation in Developing Economies Since Ratification of the Cartagena Protocol
Agriculture and Rural Development & Environment Departments, World Bank | January 1, 2012

This paper explores how the Cartagena Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as other important drivers, have affected the regulation of GE crops in developing countries.

Information Tools for Environmental Risk Assessment of Low Level Presence
December 31, 2011

In order to assist regulators in conducting environmental risk assessments related to LLP, reviews of environmental safety data, including associated regulatory analyses and decisions, for proteins commonly introduced in GE plants have been produced.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the PAT Protein
December 31, 2011

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of the protein phosphinothricin-N-acetyl transferase (PAT) produced in genetically engineered (GE) plants by genes isolated from Streptomyces viridochromogenes (pat gene) or Streptomyces hygroscopicus (bar gene) and presents a summary statement about the environmental safety of this protein.

Genetically Modified Crops and Aquatic Ecosystems: Considerations for Environmental Risk Assessment and Non-Target Organism Testing
Transgenic Research | November 26, 2011

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how comprehensive problem formulation can be used to develop a conceptual model and to identify potential exposure pathways, using Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) maize as a case study.

Ten Years of TAKE 10!: Integrating Physical Activity with Academic Concepts in Elementary School Classrooms
Prev Med | June 30, 2011

Current literature supports the link between physical activity (PA) or fitness and a child’s ability to achieve academically; however, little structured activity time is incorporated into elementary school classrooms. This paper explores the impact of a classroom-based PA program, TAKE 10!, and health-academic integration through existing state and federal policy and programming.

Classroom-Based Physical Activity, Cognition, and Academic Achievement
Elsevier | June 1, 2011

Classroom-based physical activity provides a viable approach to improve fitness, body mass index (BMI), cognitive function, and ultimately academic achievement. Studies examining the relation between physical activity, fitness, fatness, cognitive function, and academic achievement are described in this paper.

Problem Formulation for the Environmental Risk Assessment of RNAi Plants: Conference Proceedings
January 1, 2011

This report summarizes the proceedings of the conference, including presentations, case studies, a summary of discussions, and the points of consensus agreed by the participants.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry1Ab Protein
January 1, 2011

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of Cry1Ab.

Recommendations for the Design of Laboratory Studies on Non-Target Arthropods for Risk Assessment of Genetically Engineered Plants
Transgenic Research | October 13, 2010

This paper provides recommendations on experimental design for early-tier laboratory studies used in risk assessments to evaluate potential adverse impacts of arthropod-resistant genetically engineered (GE) plants on non-target arthropods (NTAs).

Improvements to the International Life Sciences Institute Crop Composition Database
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | January 1, 2010

This article in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis describes enhancements made in Version 4.0 of the Crop Composition Database.

Application of Food and Feed Safety Assessment Principles to Evaluate Transgenic Approaches to Gene Modulation in Crops
Food and Chemical Toxicology | January 1, 2010

Published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (2010;48:1773-1790), this article reviews the main aspects of the current safety assessment paradigm and to recommends scientifically sound principles for conducting a safety assessment for GM crops that are developed by technologies that modify endogenous plant gene expression (Task Force #8).

Nutritional Profile of Schoolchildren From Different Socio-Economic Levels in Santiago, Chile
Public Health Nutrition | January 1, 2010

The article describes ILSI South Andean-funded research to assess the nutritional status, food intake, and physical activity patterns in schoolchildren attending 5th and 6th grade in basic schools from different socio-economic levels in the metropolitan rvafegion of Santiago.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the Cry1Ac Protein
January 1, 2010

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of Cry1Ac.

A Review of the Environmental Safety of the CP4 EPSPS Protein
January 1, 2010

This document provides a comprehensive review of information and data relevant to the environmental risk assessment of the protein 5-enolpyruvylshikimate- 3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS).

Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC): A Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Physical Activity and Diminish Overweight and Obesity in Elementary School Children
Preventive Medicine | October 31, 2009

Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC) was a three-year cluster randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity and diminish increases in overweight and obesity in elementary school children. This paper explores the PAAC approach.

The Key Events Dose-Response Framework: A Foundation for Examining Variability in Elicitation Thresholds for Food Allergens
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | September 11, 2009

This paper reviews the allergic disease process and the current approaches to identifying thresholds for food allergens. The pathway of key biological events occurring between food intake and allergic response is considered, along with factors that may determine the nature and severity of response to food allergens.

Application of a Key Events Dose-Response Analysis to Nutrients: A Case Study with Vitamin A (Retinol)
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | September 11, 2009

This paper illustrates the potential of the Key Events Dose-Response Framework as a useful analytical tool for integrating current knowledge regarding dose-response, generating questions that will focus future research efforts, and clarifying how improved knowledge and data could be used to reduce reliance on Uncertainty Factors.

Application of Key Events Analysis to Chemical Carcinogens and Noncarcinogens
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | September 11, 2009

This paper explores the key events dose-response analytic framework being used to evaluate three aspects of toxicity. 

The Key Events Dose-Response Framework: A Cross-Disciplinary Mode-of-Action Based Approach to Examining Dose-Response and Thresholds
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | September 11, 2009

This paper provides an overview of the Key Events Dose-Response Framework (KEDRF) and introduces a series of four companion papers that illustrate initial application of the approach to a range of bioactive agents.

Physical Activity and Eating Habits in Public High Schools from Different Regions in Brazil: the Saude na Boa Project
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia | June 30, 2009

This journal article analyzes physical activity and dietary patterns of adolescents and young adults attending evening classes in high schools at two socioeconomic and culturally contrasting Cities in Brazil: Recife (in northern Brazil) and Florianopolis (in southern Brazil). 

Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention on Physical Activity for High School Students in Brazil: The Saude na Boa Project
Journal of Physical Activity and Health | June 30, 2009

This journal article evaluates the effectiveness of a school-based intervention on the promotion of physical activity among high school students in Brazil: the Saude na Boa project.

Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in the South of Brazil: Prevalence and Associated Factors
Rev Panam Salud Publica | April 30, 2009

This article, available in Portuguese, explores the prevalence of health risk behaviors and factors associated with exposure to such behaviors among adolescents in the state of Santa Catarina in the south of Brazil.

Methods and Participant Characteristics of a Randomized Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Among Brazilian High School Students: the Saude na Boa Project
Journal of Physical Activity and Health | March 31, 2009

A cross-cultural, randomized study was proposed to observe the effects of a school-based intervention designed to promote physical activity and healthy eating among high school students in 2 cities from different regions in Brazil: Recife and Florianopolis. The objective of this article is to describe the methodology and subjects enrolled in the project.

Physical Activity During the School Day in Public Primary Schools in Mexico City
Salud Pública de México | March 31, 2009

This journal article focuses on quantifying the physical activity (PA) of students and describe the school environment surrounding PA.

The Use of 35S and Tnos Expression Elements in the Measurement of Genetically Engineered Plant Materials
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | January 1, 2009

An original paper in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry by Marcia Holden et al. (Sampling and Detection).

The Key Events Dose-Response Framework: Its Potential for Application to Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | January 1, 2009

One of five articles published in the September 2009 issue of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition that describe a Key Events Dose-Response Framework for chemical, microbial pathogens, allergens, and nutrients.

Problem Formulation in the Environmental Risk Assessment for Genetically Modified Plants
Transgenic Research | January 1, 2009

This paper describes the problem formulation process, whereby policy goals, scope, assessment endpoints, and methodology are developed into an explicitly stated problem and an approach for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants.

Problem Formulation in Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Crops: A Brazilian Workshop
BioAssay | January 1, 2009

This report is a summary of a workshop organized by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, ILSI Brasil, and Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) brought together scientists from government, industry and academia to explore problem formulation for environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified crops.

Evaluation of a Classroom-Based Physical Activity Promoting Programme
Obesity Reviews | March 1, 2008

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the Happy 10 programme on the promotion of physical activity, physical growth and development of primary school students, and on obesity control and prevention.

Evaluation of Protein Safety in the Context of Agricultural Biotechnology
Food and Chemical Toxicology | January 1, 2008

This document puts forth a scientifically based two-tiered, weight-of evidence strategy to assess the safety of novel proteins (Task Force #6).

Nutritional and Safety Assessments of Food and Feeds Nutritionally Improved through Biotechnology: Case Studies
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety | January 1, 2008

An IFBiC report published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  (Task Force #4).

Use of an Operant Task to Estimate Food Reinforcement in Adult Humans With and Without BED
Obesity (Silver Spring) | January 1, 2008

This article examines the effect on food reinforcement of an all-carbohydrate meal with a high and low glycemic index in lean and obese adults.

Issues Related to the Conduct of Systematic Reviews: A Focus on the Nutrition Field
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | January 1, 2008

This article, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, examines how systematic reviews play a role in nutrition research.

Delta HOPE Tri-State Initiative Final Report
January 1, 2008

This final report describes how the Delta HOPE Tri-State Initiative supported the implementation and evaluation of a multicomponent classroom intervention to positively impact nutrition and activity patterns of elementary school children.

Sampling and Detection Methods for Products of Modern Agricultural Biotechnology in NAFTA Countries
January 1, 2007

This document provided background information for an October 11- 12, 2007 ILSI IFBiC discussion workshop on specific issues and viewpoints related to harmonization of sampling and detection methods for GM foods in NAFTA countries (Sampling and Detection).

October 2007 Workshop Background Paper on Sampling and Detection Methods
January 1, 2007

This report represents a unique survey of the present status of GMO activities in the North American Free Trade Agreement region. Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Nutritional and Safety Assessments of Foods and Feeds Nutritionally Improved Through Biotechnology: Case Studies (Executive Summary)
Journal of Food Science | January 1, 2007

Executive Summary published in Journal of Food Science (Task Force #4).

Best Practices for the Conduct of Animal Studies to Evaluate Crops Genetically Modified for Output Traits
January 1, 2007

An IFBiC/FASS reference publication scientists who conduct bioavailability, performance, processing, and animal-derived food product studies with nutrientenhanced crops and their coproducts (Task Force #5).

Framework for Identification and Collection of Data Useful for Risk Assessments of Microbial Foodborne or Waterborne Hazards: A Report from the International Life Sciences Institute Research Foundation Advisory Committee on Data Collection for Microbial Risk Assessment
Journal of Food Protection | January 1, 2007

Journal article in Journal of Food Protection describes framework for identification and collection of data for risk assessment use for microbial foodborne and waterborne hazards.

Metabolic Response to Carbohydrate Ingestion During Exercise in Males and Females
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism | January 1, 2006

This article details three studies in 18-25 year-old endurance trained athletes to determine oxidation and optimal carbohydrate ingestion before and during exercise.

IVACG: Vitamin A and the Common Agenda for Micronutrients
July 31, 2005

This report is the summary of the presentations and discussions that took place at the XXII International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting, organized by IVACG, held November 15-17, 2004, in Lima, Peru.

Evaluación de Inocuidad y Aptitud Nutricional de Alimentos y Forrajes Mejorados Nutricionalmente a Través de la Biotecnología
January 1, 2005

This is a Spanish-language report from an ILSI biotech workshop held in Argentina from October 6-8 2005. It describes the participants and includes a summary of the various talks held during the workshop (Task Force #4).

Use of Food Safety Objectives as a Tool for Reducing Foodborne Listeriosis
Food Control | January 1, 2005

This Food Control article discusses on food safety objectives as a link to public health objectives and performance objectives.

Effects of Dietary Macronutrient Intake on Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion and Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy, Obese Adolescents
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism | January 1, 2005

This article investigates the adaptability of insulin secretion and sensitivity to a broad range of carbohydrate and fat intakes in healthy obese adolescents.

Nutritional and Safety Assessments of Foods and Feeds Nutritionally Improved through Biotechnology: An Executive Summary
Concise Reviews in Food Science | January 1, 2004

An IFBiC report in Concise Reviews in Food Science. Available in English, Spanish, and Korean (Task Force #4).

Development of the International Life Sciences Institute Crop Composition Database
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | January 1, 2004

A journal article describing the development and usefulness of the IFBiC Crop Composition Database (Task Force #7).

Nutritional and Safety Assessments of Foods and Feeds Nutritionally Improved through Biotechnology
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety | January 1, 2004

An IFBiC report published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (Task Force #4).

Dietary Fructose Reduces Circulating Insulin and Leptin, Attenuates Postprandial Suppression of Ghrelin, and Increases Triglycerides in Women
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism | January 1, 2004

This article examines how high fructose and high glucose diets differently affect circulating insulin and leptin levels in humans and if these differences consequently affect appetite.

IVACG: Improving the Vitamin A Status of Populations
July 31, 2003

This report is the summary of the presentations and discussions that took place at the IVACG Meeting held February 3-5, 2003, in Marrakech, Morocco.

INACG: Integrating Programs to Move Iron Deficiency and Anemia Control Forward
February 6, 2003

This is the report of the 2003 International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group Symposium organized by the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group.

Best Practices for the Conduct of Animal Studies to Evaluate Crops Genetically Modified for Input Traits
January 1, 2003

IFBiC/FASS recommendations on guidelines for the production, harvest, sampling, and analysis of GM plants containing input traits and for the conduct of animal experiments using these plants (Task Force #5).

INACG: Guidelines for the Use of Iron Supplements to Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia (Revised)
January 1, 2003

This is an update of a 1998 report by the same authors outlining guidelines for creating and organizing programs designed to prevent and treat iron deficiency, the most common form of malnutrition in the world.

INACG: Technical Brief on Iron Compounds for Fortification of Staple Foods
May 31, 2002

This technical brief explores the iron compounds for fortification of staple foods provided by the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group.

INACG: Why Iron Is Important and What to Do About It: A New Perspective
March 31, 2002

This is a report of the 2001 International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group Symposium organized by the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group.

Biotechnology-Derived Nutritious Foods for Developing Countries: Needs, Opportunities, and Barriers
January 1, 2002

This is a discussion summary and expanded abstracts from a workshop organized by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (the ILSI Human Nutrition Institute) and International Food Biotechnology Committee, the International Food Policy Research Institute, and the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Medical Evaluation of Overweight Children and Adolescents: Reports From Pediatricians, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, and Registered Dietitians
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity: Attitudes, Barriers, Skills, and Training Needs among Health Care Practitioners
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity: Psychology, Emotional and Behavioral Assessment
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity: Study Design and Practitioner Characteristics
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity: Summary and Recommendations Based on Reports from Pediatricians, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, and Registered Dietitians
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Treatment of Child and Adolescent Obesity: Reports from Pediatricians, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, and Registered Dietitians
Pediatrics | January 1, 2002

This article is part of a 2002 supplement in Pediatrics entitled “Treatment of Overweight Children and Adolescents: A Needs Assessment of the Health Practitioners.”

Effect of Acute Exercise on Uncoupling Protein 3 Is a Fat Metabolism Mediated Effect
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism | January 1, 2002

This article analyzes changes in UCP3 and GLUT4 mRNA and protein levels in human skeletal muscle biopsies following high-carbohydrate and low-carbohydrate diets, glucose infusion, and exercise with and without carbohydrate intake.

Childhood Obesity: Partnerships for Research and Prevention
January 1, 2002

An Agriculture & Food Systems Institute 2002 monograph explores the rationale for a preventative approach to childhood obesity.

Pathobiology of the Aging Dog, Volume 1
January 1, 2001

This book’s purpose is to provide up-to-date information on age associated changes that influence the interpretation of pathologic data derived from experiment studies using dogs.

Pathobiology of the Aging Dog, Volume 2
January 1, 2001

Volume two of a two-volume monograph on the pathobiology of aging dogs is the third and last of a series whose two previous book series where related to the ageing of rats and mice.

Decreased Food Intake with Age
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Dietary Intake, Dietary Patterns, and Changes with Age: An Epidemiological Perspective
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Nutrition and Quality of Life in Older Adults
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Nutrition and Health Promotion in Older Adults
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Interventions to Promote Physical Activity by Older Adults
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Older Adults
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This journal article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Physical Activity in Aging: Changes in Patterns and Their Relationships to Health and Function
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

This journal article is part of a Special Issue supplement of Journals of Gerontology entitled “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Older Adults.”

Physical Activity and Parameters of Aging: A Physiological Perspective
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | January 1, 2001

Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2001;56(suppl 2):7-12.

IVACG: Status of the Studies on Vitamin A and HIV
August 31, 2000

Despite the lack of evidence that vitamin A supplementation can reduce vertical transmission of HIV, there is still an enormous burden of morbidity and mortality related to vitamin A deficiency in sub- Saharan Africa and other areas of the developing world. Control of vitamin A deficiency remains an important health intervention.

IVACG: Combining Vitamin A Distribution with EPI Contacts: A Report of an International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) Task Force
January 1, 2000

This report explains the findings of a task force assembled to assess and direct the efforts of the Expanded Programme on Immunization and their administration of supplemental vitamin A in deficient populations.

IVACG: Delivery of Vitamin A Supplements With DPT/Polio and Measles Immunization
January 1, 2000

This statement by the International Vitamin A Consultative Group discusses the necessity and implementation possibilities of vitamin A supplements for children.

INACG: Safety of Iron Supplementation Programs in Malaria-Endemic Regions
December 31, 1999

This consensus document was written by an expert panel convened by the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group on September 28-29, 1998.

IVACG: The Bioavailability of Dietary Carotenoids: Current Concepts
January 1, 1999

This report discusses the accessibility of carotenoids, a major source of vitamin A in diets, from a world perspective.

A Framework for Estimating Pesticide Concentrations in Drinking Water for Aggregate Exposure Assessments
January 1, 1999

1999 Report of the ILSI Risk Sciences Institute Working Group.

INACG: Guidelines for the Use of Iron Supplements to Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia
December 31, 1998

The International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group (INACG) has a long standing commitment to provide scientifically sound recommendations to public health planners and managers about ways to control iron deficiency anemia. This publication is another in a series of publications aimed at providing such guidance.

IVACG: Vitamin A and Iron Interactions
June 30, 1998

Available evidence indicates that vitamin A deficiency is often associated with iron deficiency anemia and that vitamin A supplementation can have a beneficial effect on iron status. However, it is important to remember that iron deficiency is the primary cause of anemia and that vitamin A cannot overcome severe underlying iron deficiency.

INACG: The Effects of Iron Deficiency and Anemia on Mental and Motor Performance, Educational Achievement, and Behavior in Children
April 30, 1998

This report is the summary of the presentations and discussions that took place at the consultative meeting at the University of Oxford, on September 16–17, 1996, organized by the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Urinary System
January 1, 1998

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Overweight Children and Adolescents: Description, Epidemiology, and Demographics
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Measurement Issues Related to Studies of Childhood Obesity: Assessment of Body Composition, Body Fat Distribution, Physical Activity, and Food Intake
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

The Physiology of Body Weight Regulations: Relevance to the Etiology of Obesity in Children
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Development of Eating Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Health Consequences of Obesity in Youth: Childhood Predictors of Adult Disease
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Development of Physical Activity Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Treatment of Pediatric Obesity
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

Childhood Obesity: Future Directions and Research Priorities
Pediatrics | January 1, 1998

This article is part of a 1998 supplement to the journal Pediatrics “The Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents.”

IVACG Statement: Safe Doses of Vitamin A During Pregnancy and Lactation
January 1, 1998

International Vitamin A Consultative Group statement regarding the appropriate amount of vitamin A supplementation for pregnant and breast feeding women.

IVACG: Policy Statement on Vitamin A Status and Childhood Mortality
September 30, 1997

This report by the International Vitamin A Consultative Group recognizes the importance of adequate vitamin A status for preventing childhood blindness and reducing childhood morbidity and mortality.

Correlations Between In Vitro and In Vivo Investigations in Inhalation Toxicology
January 1, 1997

This book represents scientific work presented at the Fifth International Symposium, covering new developments in this field of research.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Digestive System
January 1, 1997

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998.

INACG: Iron/ Multi-Micronutrient Supplements for Young Children
August 31, 1996

This report contains the summary and conclusions of a consultation held at UNICEF, Copenhagen, August 19–20, 1996 with the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group.

Assessment of the Allergenic Potential of Foods Derived from Genetically Engineered Crop Plants
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | January 1, 1996

This article by Metcalfe et al. was published in a special supplement to Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (1996;36(Suppl):S165-S186).

IVACG Statement on Clustering of Xerophthalmia and Vitamin A Deficiency Within Communities and Families
January 1, 1996

The International Vitamin A Consultative Group’s statement about the relationship between xerophthalmia and vitamin A deficiency.

IVACG: Policy Statement on Vitamin A, Diarrhea and Measles
December 31, 1994

Given that diarrhea and measles are still leading causes of infant and childhood morbidity and mortality in developing countries, and considering the body of evidence, members of the International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) Steering Committee strongly recommend that vitamin A supplements be included in all child survival programs as an effective strategy to reduce the consequences of these diseases.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Nonhuman Primates II
January 1, 1993

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Nonhuman Primates I
January 1, 1993

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Hemopoietic System
January 1, 1991

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Systems
January 1, 1991

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Eye and Ear
January 1, 1991

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Editorial: Biotechnologies and Food: Assuring the Safety of Foods Produced by Genetic Modification
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | January 1, 1990

This editorial by Coulston et al. was published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (1990;12(3):213).

1990 Report on Biotechnology
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | January 1, 1990

1990 Historical Document in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmocology prepared by the ILSI International Food Biotechnology Council, the precursor to the ILSI International Food Biotechnology Committee.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Integument and Mammary Glands
January 1, 1990

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Assessment of Inhalation Hazards
January 1, 1989

The book Assessment of Inhalation Hazards analyzes data from animal exposure and human epidemiology studies for the purpose of assessing the risk posed by pollutants.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Nervous System
January 1, 1988

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Genital System
January 1, 1987

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Respiratory System
January 1, 1985

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Endocrine System
January 1, 1983

This book is part of the series “Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals,” sponsored by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute between 1985 and 1998. The series was intended for pathologists, toxicologists, and other interested in evaluating and harmonizing toxicological testing. Its goal was to provide useful information to pathologists involved in studies of foods, drugs, chemicals, and other substances found in the environment.