
OECD Consensus Document of the Biology of Mosquito Aedes aegypti

OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology
Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment (Volume 8)
June 23, 2018


Volume 8 of the series Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment contains the first OECD biosafety consensus document to deal with the biology of an insect, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Published by the OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology (WG-HROB) as a resource to help support environmental risk assessment, this is also the first OECD consensus document to focus on an organism for which biotechnological applications are not aimed at an increase in production or the quality of the product, but are driven by health considerations, specifically to reduce the health burden associated with the diseases like yellow fever, dengue, Zika and Chikungunya that are vectored by mosquitoes. The biology document provides information on Ae. aegyptitaxonomy, morphology, life cycle, reproductive biology, genetics, ecology, interactions with other species and the environment.

Preparation of the OECD Consensus Document of the Biology of Mosquito Aedes aegyptiwas co-led by Mexico, Brazil and the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, with additional expertise provided by Australia, France, India, Kenya and the United States as well as inputs from private sector entities.

ISBN: 978-92-64-30223-5