Protein Monographs

The Issue
Finding accurate and reliable information about the safety of foods and feeds derived from genetically engineered plants can be daunting, particularly for regulators who may not have a specific application on their desk. This information is essential for risk assessors and regulators who may need to make decisions regarding the safety of small amounts of genetically engineered material, which may inadvertently enter the country without authorization, also known as low-level presence.
What We Are Doing
The Agriculture & Food Systems Institute has published monographs that review the safety of specific proteins and provide links to publications, regulatory dossiers, and decision documents. These protein monographs provide a comprehensive review of food safety information and data for each of the four novel proteins found in some genetically engineered plants:
- the Cry1Ac and Cry1Ab proteins that confer insect resistance
- the EPSPS and PAT/BAR proteins that confer herbicide tolerance and