5th Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference
September 11, 2017-September 13, 2017
Taj West End
Bangalore, India
The South Asia Biosafety Conference (SABC) is the preeminent regional gathering of scientists, regulators and other stakeholders who are interested in biotechnology applications for sustainable development, environmental risk assessment, and biosafety regulation in South Asia. In 2017, the conference was held at the Taj West End in Bangalore, India from September 11-13, 2017. Under the auspices of the South Asia Biosafety Program, SABC was co-organized by the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute and Biotechnology Consortium India Ltd, with cooperation from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Government of India) and other regional partners.

Dr. Andrew Roberts
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Aparna Islam
South Asia Biosafety Program
Dr. C. Appunu
ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute
Dr. Manju Bansal
Indian Institute of Science, India
Dr. Alok Das
ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Dr. Tomal Dattaroy
Reliance Industries Limited, India
Mr. Jambay Dorji
Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Bhutan
Dr. James Germida
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr. Bhavanath Jha
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, India
Dr. Shashi Kumar
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, India
Dr. Atul Kumar Johri
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Dr. HsiangChun Lin
International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
Dr. Stephen Mayfield
University of California, San Diego, United States
Dr. Mathish Nambiar-Veetil
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, India
Dr. Jasdeep Chatrath Padaria
National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, India
Dr. Jacob Parnell
Novozymes BioAg, United States
Ms. Surani Pathirana
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Sri Lanka
Dr. Jayashree Radha
Rubber Research Institute of India
P.H. Ramanjini Gowda
University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, India
Dr. Shilpa Sharma
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Dr. Timothy Strabala
Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand
Dr. John Teem
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, United States
Dr. Yuichiro Tsuchiya
Nagoya University, Japan
Dr. K. Veluthambi
Madurai Kamaraj University, IndiaAgenda
Opening Session
September 11, 2017
Delegate Registration and Inaugural Ceremony
Welcome and Introduction to the South Asia Biosafety Program
Dr. Vibha Ahuja, Biotech Consortium India Limited, India
Connecting Innovation and Sustainable Development: The Role of Modern Biotechnology
Dr. Morven McLean, Chief Executive Officer, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, USA
Welcome Address
Dr. Amita Prasad, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India
Dr. Shri Gaurav Gupta, Principal Secretary, Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka
Keynote Address
Dr. K. VijayRaghavan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India
Vote of Thanks
Ms. Libby Williams, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, USA
Plenary Session I: Regulation and Capacity Building Initiatives in South Asia
September 11, 2017
Chair: Dr. D.B.T. Wijeratne, Food and Agriculture Organization, Sri Lanka
Update on Biosafety Regulation in Bangladesh
Ms. Papia Sultana, Department of Environment, Bangladesh
Update on the Bhutanese Biosafety Regulatory System
Mr. Jambay Dorji, Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), Bhuta
Update on Risk Assessment of GE Plants in India
Dr. K. Veluthambi, Madurai Kamaraj University, India
Biosafety Regulations in Sri Lanka: An Update
Ms. Surani Pathirana, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Sri Lanka
The Current State of GMO Regulation in New Zealand: Recent Decisions, Changes to Regulations, and Other New Developments
Dr. Timothy Strabala, Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand
Plenary Session II: Crop Biotechnology and Biosafety in South Asia
September 11, 2017
Chair: Dr. R.H. Sarker, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Enhanced Performance of Sugarcane Transgenics Under Water Limited Conditions and its Biosafety Considerations
Dr. C. Appunu, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, India
In planta Transformation Following Cloning of Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to Develop Salinity Stress Tolerant Variety
Dr. Aparna Islam, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Genetic Engineering of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) for Insect Resistance
Dr. Alok Das, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, India
Hmgr1 Transgene Integrated Hevea – Future GM Rubber to the Field
Dr. Jayashree Radha, Rubber Research Institute of India
Coleus forskholii: Vegetatively Propagated Medicinal Plant for Production of Recombinant Proteins
Dr. P.H. Ramanjini Gowda, University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, India
Lightning Round for Students and Young Researchers
September 11, 2017
Chair: Dr. Andrew Roberts, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, United States
Assessment of Impact of Genetically Engineered (GE) Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on Honey Bees
Dr. Pranjali Vishwakarma, Biosafety Support Unit, India
Biosafety and in-situ Conservation of Wild Silk Moths in Natural Forest Ecosystem of North East India
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Government of India
Co-expression of PgNHX1 and AVP1genes in Tomato Improves Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Tomato Plants
Dr. D. L. Savithramma, University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Development of Physically-Contained Facility for Evaluation of Genetically Engineered OX513A Aedes aegypti L. Mosquito Strain in Maharashtra, India
Dr. Prabhakargouda Patil, GBIT Limited, India
Biosafety Data Generation from the Putatively Transformed Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Using afp Gene
Dr. Tahmina Islam, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
How Our Young Generation Perceive GM Food Crop
Dr. Aparna Islam, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Rapid Screening of hpRNAi Constructs for Imparting Plant Viral Disease Resistance by Employing Agro-Infiltration
Mr. Prasad Babu K, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, India
Standardization of Genetic Transformation Technique in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet) for Pod Borer Resistance
Dr. Santosh Sawardekar, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, India
Transgenic Potato Conferring Field Resistance to Late Blight: Difficulties in Generating Food Safety Data of Pure RB Protein
Dr. Sundaresha Siddappa, Central Potato Research Institute, India
Poster Session & Opening Reception Dinner
September 11, 2017
The poster session is sponsored by the International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR). Conference participants were encouraged to share their work with colleagues by preparing a poster for this session. All posters conveyed relevance to biosafety research, environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or the regulation of GMOs– plants, animals, arthropods, or micro-organisms. First and second place prizes were awarded for the most outstanding posters on September 13.
The South Asia Biosafety Program gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the International Society for Biosafety Research for the Welcome Reception.
Plenary Session III: Soil and Plant Microbiomes
September 12, 2017
Chair: Dr. P.K. Chakrabarty, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India
Keynote Presentation: Manipulating Soil and Root Microbiomes to Enhance Bioremediation and Reclamation of Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Ecosystems
Dr. James Germida, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Harnessing the Power of Natural Biologicals in Agriculture
Dr. Jacob Parnell, Novozymes BioAg, United States
Use of Root Endophyte Piriformospora indica as a Plant Probiotic
Dr. Atul Kumar Johri, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Ecological Implications of “Safe” Agricultural Amendments
Dr. Shilpi Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Engineering an Environmentally Friendly Azotobacter Strain to Improve Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency
Dr. Jasdeep Chatrath Padaria, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, India
Parallel Workshops
September 12, 2017
Pre-registered participants were invited to attend one of the following half day workshops:
- Parallel Workshop I: Thinking Ahead: Designing Confined Field Trials to Maximize Data Transportability
- Parallel Workshop II: Best Practices for Public Sector Genetically Engineered Product Development Programs
- Parallel Workshop III: Intersection of the Cartagena Protocol and the Indian Biosafety Regulatory System
Plenary Session IV: Synthetic Biology
September 13, 2017
Chair: Dr. Andrew Roberts, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, United States
Synthetic Biology Approaches to Improving Agricultural Yields
Dr. John Teem, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, United States
Can Synthetic Biology Lead to Synthetic Life?
Dr. Manju Bansal, Indian Institute of Science, India
Engineering a C4 Rice Prototype
Dr. HsiangChun Lin, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
Chemical Biology to Combat Against a Parasitic Plant Striga
Dr. Yuichiro Tsuchiya, Nagoya University, Japan
Synthetic Biology in International Forums
Dr. Andrew Roberts, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, United States
Poster Session Awards
September 13, 2017
Chair: Dr. Donald MacKenzie, Treasurer, International Society of Biosafety Research
The 5th Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference Poster Program provided an opportunity for individuals to share their research, findings and achievements with colleagues at the conference. Presenting a poster was a noteworthy way to share expertise or accomplishment, and poster presenters had dedicated time to present and discuss their work with the diverse group of attendees. All posters conveyed relevance to biosafety research, environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or the regulation of GMOs– plants, animals, arthropods, or micro-organisms.
Poster Session Prizes
All posters accepted into the poster session were eligible for the Poster Competition, and two prizes were awarded.
- The first place prize was awarded to Mr. Siddappa Sundaresha for his poster Transgenic Potato Conferring Field Resistance to Late Blight Difficulties in Generating Food Safety Data of Pure RB Protein. First prize consisted of a USD $500 cash prize, a two year membership for the International Society of Biosafety Research (ISBR), and an award certificate. ISBR aims to promote scientifically sound research that supports biosafety assessment by improving communication among scientists who study plants, animals, and microbes with new characteristics due to altered DNA and produced using modern biotechnology.
- The second place prize was awarded to Mr. Michael Chhandama for his poster Estimation of Lipid Content from Stress Induced Microalgae for Biodiesel Production. Second prize consisted of a USD $200 cash prize, a two year membership for the International Society of Biosafety Research, and an award certificate.
Evaluation and Judging
Posters were evaluated as follows:
- Abstract (10%): Clarity and correlation with poster.
- Scientific content (70%): Introduction and background with literature cited, objectives, materials and methods, results and discussion, and significance to field. The quality of the research presented will be judged on its scientific rigor and significance as conveyed by the poster. Each poster must be self-explanatory. Judges may discuss the poster with its presenter but this will not be considered in the evaluation of the display.
- Poster Display (20%): Posters will be judged on organization, effective use of space, legibility, grammar and spelling, and effective use of graphics.
Each poster display is judged independently by four judges.
Plenary Session V: New Applications of Biotechnology: Focus on Forestry and Biofuels
September 13, 2017
Chair: Dr. Santanu Dasgupta, Reliance Industries Limited, India
Keynote Presentation: Photosynthetic Bio-manufacturing in Green Algae; Food and Fuel for the 21st Century
Dr. Stephen Mayfield, University of California, San Diego, United States
Genetic Engineering of Algae for Higher Biofuel Value and Biosafety Issues
Dr. Shashi Kumar, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, India
Environmental Risk Assessment and Biosafety of Genetically Modified Algae
Dr. Tomal Dattaroy, Reliance Industries Limited, India
An in silico Strategy for Rational Design of Insect-Specific, Multigene Targeting Chimeric hprnai Constructs to Obviate Biosafety Concerns in Transgenic Entomophilous Trees
Dr. Mathish Nambiar-Veetil, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, India
Development of Genetically Engineered Jatropha for Biofuel Production: Quest for Sustainability and Climate Resilience
Dr. Bhavanath Jha, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, India
The Radiata Pine Estate and the Regulation of GM Forestry Trees in New Zealand
Dr. Timothy Strabala, Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand
Past SABCs
Learn about previous South Asia Biosafety Conferences by clicking on the links below:
4th Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference 2016
Hyderabad, India
3rd Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference 2015
Dhaka, Bangladesh
2nd Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference 2014
Colombo, Sri Lanka
1st Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference 2013
New Delhi, India