Third Workshop of the IBO Training Program
March 27, 2022
9:30 am - 5:00 pmHotel Sarina
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI), in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh, under the auspices of the South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP), is conducting a series of workshops targeting Institutional Biosafety Officers (IBOs) and Committees (IBCs) at research institutions engaged in biotechnology research and development in Bangladesh. The purpose of this by-invitation-only workshop series is to ensure that institutions in Bangladesh are aware of their obligations under the biosafety regulatory system and are empowered to work with researchers to meet these obligations while continuing their research.
The introductory workshop was held on December 2, 2021. The discussion on biosafety compliance while working with genetically engineered organisms continued during the second workshop, which was held virtually on February 17, 2022. The third IBO workshop focused on capacity building exercises for IBOs and IBCs, covering additional topics including the development of standard operating procedures for greenhouse work, key considerations for containment of GE crops, and key components for record keeping, handling, storage, transfer, shipment, and disposal of GM plant material. Compliance for import, exchange, and research involving GM crops was also discussed.

Rakha Hari Sarker, Ph.D.
Country Coordinator South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP)
Andrew Roberts, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI)
Aparna Islam, Ph.D.
Professor Brac University
Bhavneet Bajaj, Ph.D., PMP
Senior Manager, Scientific Programs Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI)
Sium Ahmed
Deputy Manager South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP)
Vibha Ahuja, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP)Agenda
9:00 am
10:00 am
Dr. Rakha Hari Sarker, Country Coordinator, SABP & Professor, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
10:10 am
Recap of the First and Second IBO Workshops
Dr. Andrew Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, AFSI
10:25 am
Institutional Commitment for Biosafety Compliance: Biosafety Policy and Tools
Dr. Aparna Islam, Professor, Brac University, Bangladesh
10:55 am
Laboratory Facilities and Greenhouse/Net House: Key Considerations for Ensuring Containment of GE Plants
Dr. Bhavneet Bajaj, Manager – Scientific Programs, AFSI
11:25 am
Tea Break
11:50 am
Management of GE Plants in Laboratories and Greenhouses/Screen Houses: Introducing Key Components for Preparation of SOPs & Group Exercise
Dr. Andrew Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, AFSI
1:30 pm
2:30 pm
Preparation of Recording Formats: Key Components
Dr. Vibha Ahuja, Senior Advisor, SABP & Chief General Manager, Biotech Consortium India Ltd.
3:00 pm
Ensuring Biosafety During Handling, Storage, Transfer, Shipment, and Disposal of GM Plant Material (to include incident management)
Mr. Sium Ahmed, Biosafety Officer, SABP
3:30 pm
Regulatory Compliance for Import, Exchange, and Research Involving GM Crops: Applications to Regulatory Authorities
Dr. Rakha Hari Sarker, Country Coordinator, SABP & Professor, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
4:00 pm
Group Exercise: Inter-Institutional Exchange of GM Materials
4:45 pm
“Ask Anything” - Q&A Session and Next Steps
5:00 pm
Adjourn (tea served)