Virtual Workshop for the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains Project
October 9, 2020
10:00 am - 1:30 pm(Virtual)
Washington, DC, USA
To help guide activities in the fourth and final year, the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains project convened for a virtual full-team workshop focused on stakeholder engagement and extension. Workshop participants included scientists and extension specialists from the University of Florida, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, Washington State University, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), University of Arkansas, University of Illinois, and World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services (WAEES).
Co-led by the University of Florida and Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, the multi-organization team was awarded a four-year grant by the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) in 2017. The team uses various forms of modeling to study US fruit and vegetable supply chains, with a focus on climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities.
Learn more about the project here!
Workshop Objectives
- Refine approaches for making the project’s key findings actionable for stakeholders.
- Identify and prioritize stakeholders most likely to be able to take meaningful action based on the project’s results.
- Determine next steps
Participants from the Project

Dr. Senthold Asseng
University of Florida
Dr. Siddharth Chaudhary
Washington State University
Dr. Clyde Fraisse
University of Florida
Dr. Kaiyu Guan
University of Illinois
Dr. Dave Gustafson
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Sonia Hall
Washington State University
Dr. Karen Hills
Washington State University
Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom
University of Florida
Dr. Pon Intaraprapong
Mr. Chad Kruger
Washington State University
Dr. John Kruse
Dr. Marty Matlock
University of Arkansas
Dr. Morven McLean
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Ranjan Parajuli
University of Arkansas
Dr. Kirti Rajagopalan
Washington State University
Ms. Genghong Wu
University of Illinois
Dr. Claudio Stöckle
Washington State University
Mr. Tim Sulser
Ms. Layla Tarar
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Greg Thoma
University of Arkansas
Dr. Chuang Zhao
University of FloridaAgenda
10:00 am
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Summary of original plans for extension-related activities as articulated in the project proposal.
10:10 am
Key Findings
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Summary of key findings from the project’s research (to date), including how they could be made actionable by stakeholders.
10:30 am
Extension Challenges
Discussion of the unique challenges associated with delivering climate-related research to stakeholders.
10:40 am
Stakeholder Discussion
Prioritization of proposed types of stakeholders and identification of groups that could take meaningful action based on the project’s findings.
11:00 am
Parallel Breakout Groups
Development of a proposed engagement plan (including translation of results into specific actions, work products, etc.) targeted at a particular type of stakeholder.
11:50 am
12:00 pm
Report from Breakout Groups
Report from each breakout group based on parallel discussions, with the opportunity for a Q&A with the full team and adjustment to engagement plan based on feedback.
1:00 pm
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Assignment and coordination of prioritized list of action items, based on finalized engagement plans, as modified during the team discussion.
1:30 pm