3rd Annual Workshop for the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains Project
July 10, 2019-July 11, 2019
Turner Hall, University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, USA
The 3rd Annual Workshop for the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains project took place at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on July 10-11, 2019. Workshop participants included scientists and extension specialists from the University of Florida, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, Washington State University, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), University of Arkansas, University of Illinois, and World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services (WAEES).
Co-led by the University of Florida and Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, the multi-organization team was awarded a four-year grant by the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) in 2017. The team uses various forms of modeling to study US fruit and vegetable supply chains, with a focus on climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities.
Learn more about the project here!
Participants from the Project

Dr. Senthold Asseng
University of Florida
Dr. Clyde Fraisse
University of Florida
Dr. Kaiyu Guan
University of Illinois
Dr. Dave Gustafson
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom
University of Florida
Dr. John Kruse
Dr. Marty Matlock
University of Arkansas
Dr. Morven McLean
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Ranjan Parajuli
University of Arkansas
Dr. Kirti Rajagopalan
Washington State University
Dr. Ricky Robertson
Dr. Claudio Stöckle
Washington State University
Mr. Tim Sulser
Ms. Layla Tarar
Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Dr. Greg Thoma
University of ArkansasAgenda
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Integrated Paper Update
Dr. Greg Thoma, University of Arkansas
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Downscaling of Future Irrigation Water Availability
Dr. Kirti Rajagopalan, Washington State University
Dr. Marty Matlock, University of Arkansas
Updates from the Extension Teams
Dr. Kirti Rajagopalan, Washington State University
Dr. Clyde Fraisse, University of Florida
Economic and Land Use Change Modeling Update
Dr. John Kruse, World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services
Dr. Pon Intarapapong, World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services
Advisory Committee Teleconference
Guided Tour of FACE Field Site
Dr. Don Ort, University of Illinois
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Updates from the Crop Modeling Teams
Dr. Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois
Dr. Claudio Stöckle, Washington State University
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Hydrology Modeling Update
Dr. Kirti Rajagopalan, Washington State University
Dr. Claudio Stöckle, Washington State University
Life-Cycle Assessment Modeling Update
Dr. Greg Thoma, University of Arkansas
Dr. Ranjan Parajuli, University of Arkansas
Stakeholder Engagement Update
Dr. Dave Gustafson, ILSI Research and Foundation
Current/Future IMPACT Model Development Plans of Potential Relevance to the Project
Mr. Tim Sulser, IFPRI
Dr. Ricky Robertson, IFPRI
Publication Strategy
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Project Evaluation
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Proposal Strategies
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Project Schedule and Additional Crops
Dr. Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Dr. Dave Gustafson, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
Action Items, Assignments, and Due Dates
Ms. Layla Tarar, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute