
HLPDAB: Workshop on Moving Forward on Agricultural Biotechnology through Continuing Efforts on Regulatory Cooperation in APEC

    August 14, 2024
    8:30 am - 5:00 pm
    Los Conquistadores Convention Center, Room - España
    Trujillo, Peru

APEC economies continue to work together towards reducing resource costs, increasing efficiencies in regulatory processes, and lowering barriers to innovation and trade. To continue the discussions on furthering regulatory cooperation for the development, use, and trade of products of agricultural biotechnology, the Agriculture & Food Systems Institute implemented a full-day workshop on August 14, 2024 in Trujillo, Peru, prior to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (APEC HLPDAB) plenary meeting. This event was supported by the United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Services (USDA FAS) New Technologies and Production Methods Division.

On July 30-31, 2023 in Seattle, at the Workshop on Reducing Redundancies and Facilitating Efficiencies – Regulatory and Policy Solutions for Oversight of Agricultural Biotechnologies, participants from APEC member economies explored potential mechanisms for alignment for the oversight of agricultural biotechnologies and the feasibility of developing a “Policy Approaches Document.” The outline for this document was presented at the 2023 APEC HLPDAB plenary meeting. To develop a draft of the Policy Approaches Document, AFSI conducted the following consultative meetings in 2024 to gather input from APEC member economies, with the aim of ensuring the document is fit for purpose and represents policy approaches that have real opportunities for practical uptake:

  • Session 1: Information Sharing (May 6, 2024)
  • Session 2: Aligning Data Requirements, Standardizing Application/Dossier Templates, and Harmonizing Risk Assessment Methodologies (May 29, 2024)
  • Session 3: Mutual Recognition of Risk Assessments (June 18, 2024)

The input gathered thus far has been integrated into a draft of the “Policy Approaches Document,” which was presented at this workshop. A companion online portal showcasing case studies of successful approaches to regulatory cooperation was introduced, and a session was dedicated to allowing attendees to browse the website and provide feedback. The workshop also included interactive breakout sessions using a case study approach to facilitate in-depth discussions among APEC member economies on practical and feasible approaches to strengthening regulatory cooperation, which can promote the safe use and adoption of agricultural biotechnologies.


Session 1: Introduction and Context Setting

8:30 am

Welcome Remarks

Dr. Jennifer Rowland
Biotechnology Coordinator, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA

8:40 am

Overview of the Agenda

Dr. Andrew Roberts
Chief Executive Officer, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI), USA

8:45 am

Data Transportability: Exemption of Corn, Cotton, and Possibly Soybean from Domestic Confined Field Trials (CFTs) in Japan

Mr. Masayuki Oda
Plant Products Safety Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan

9:05 am

Development of the Guideline on Animal Biotechnology in the Philippines

Dr. Claro N. Mingala
Scientist IV, Philippine Carabao Center, Department of Agriculture, Philippines

9:25 am

Cooperation on Agricultural Biotechnology: MOU Between Argentina and Brazil

Mr. Facundo Simeone (virtual)
Technical Specialist, Secretariat of Bioeconomy, Ministry of Economy, Argentina

9:45 am

The Importance of Regulatory Cooperation for Innovation

Dr. Stuart Smyth
Professor and Agri-Food Innovation & Sustainability Enhancement Chair, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

10:05 am

Panel Discussion and Q&A: Regulatory Cooperation - Working Together to Benefit Agricultural Biotechnology and Trade

Dr. Andrew Roberts

Speakers and Organizers

10:30 am

Tea Break

Session 2: Policy Approaches Document

10:45 am

Overview of the Policy Approaches Document: Purpose and Objectives, Content, and Web Portal

Dr. Andrew Roberts

Dr. Karen Hokanson
Senior Manager–Scientific Programs, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI), USA

11:30 am

Q&A and Feedback

All Participants

12:00 pm

Lunch Break

Session 3: Moving Forward with the Policy Approaches Document

1:00 pm

Breakout Goups: Case Studies

Dr. Bhavneet Bajaj
Senior Manager–Scientific Programs, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute (AFSI), USA

Dr. Andrew Roberts

Dr. Karen Hokanson

3:30 pm


All Participants

3:50 pm

Tea Break

Discussion and Wrap-up

4:00 pm

Discussion on Policy Approaches Document and Feedback on the Document

Dr. Karen Hokanson

4:45 pm

Post-Event Survey

All Participants

4:55 pm

Concluding Remarks

Dr. Jennifer Rowland