HLPDAB: Early Career and Innovative Start-ups Symposium
July 29, 2023
9:00 am - 5:45 amSeattle Convention Center Summit Building (Hybrid)
Seattle, USA
This one-day symposium shared new developments in agricultural biotechnologies and emphasized the role of youth in innovation. Through panel discussions, lightning talks, and a poster session, early career researchers presented on or learned of the impacts of policies on their work, empowering them as advocates for the development of trade-facilitating, science-based policies on agricultural biotechnology. In addition to highlighting early career researchers and start-ups from APEC member economies, this symposium provided an opportunity for researchers working in the field of agricultural biotechnology in the Asia Pacific region to exchange ideas. Industry representatives delivered presentations on enabling policy environments, current research and development, and career opportunities. As one of the activities on the margins of the High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) plenary, the symposium contributed to strengthening sustained information sharing related to agricultural biotechnologies between APEC member economies through highlighting innovations in the field.

(Time in PDT/UTC-7)
9:00 am
Welcome and Introduction to the Symposium
Dr. Jennifer Rowland
Science Advisor, New Technologies & Production Methods Division, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, The United States of America
9:05 am
Opening Remarks
Ms. Sanah Baig
Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, The United States of America
9:15 am
Session 1 – Research and Innovation Lightning Presentations
8 Lightning Talks
Invited early career researchers will each give a 4-minute presentation to highlight their research and encourage further interaction during the poster session.
Moderator: Dr. Bhavneet Bajaj, Manager – Scientific Programs, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute, The United States of America
Engineering Plants with Nitrogen Fixation Capabilities
Dr. Christina Gregg
Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
Implementation of CRISPR-Based Gene-Editing Tools in Brassica napus Canola
Mr. Neil Hickerson
Graduate Student Researcher, University of Calgary, Canada
Tuning Glutathione Content through Multiplex Genome Editing for Studying Dehydration Tolerance in Rice
Dr. Chin-Yu Wu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei
Developing the Fruits for the Future: Precision Breeding in Fruit Crops
Dr. Bernardo Pollak
Chief Executive Officer, Meristem, Chile
Induction of Resistance to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus by RNA Interference Targeting Viral Coat Protein in Sugarcane
Dr. Rikno Harmoko
Research Scientist, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Use of Genetic Engineering to Develop Resistance to Biotic Stress in Plants
Dr. Tetsuya Yoshida
Researcher, Crop Disease Research Group, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO, Japan
CRISPR Tools-Mediated Pepper Genome Editing
Dr. Hyeran Kim
Assistant Professor, Kangwon University, The Republic of Korea
Offspring Production of a SRY-knock in Bull
Dr. Alba Ledesma
Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of California, Davis, The United States of America
9:55 am
Agricultural Biotechnology Innovations Leading Change Around the Globe
Dr. John Sedbrook
Professor of Genetics, College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University
10:30 am
Coffee/Tea Break
11:00 am
Session 2 – Research and Innovation Lightning Presentations
8 Lightning Talks
Invited early career researchers will each give a 4-minute presentation to highlight their research and encourage further interaction during the poster session.
Moderator: Dr. Bhavneet Bajaj
Developing Recombinant Wheat Cultivars with Drought Tolerance Traits
Dr. Xiaoqing Li
Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
Tastier Pea Protein through CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Editing
Dr. Connor Hodgins
Researcher, University of Calgary, Canada
Development of Allergenicity and Toxicity Assessment Methods for Evaluating Transgenic Sugarcane
Dr. Widhi Dyah Sawitri
Assistant Professor, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
RNAi-mediated Protection against Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) in Rockmelon (Cucumis melo L.)
Ms. Dharane Kethiravan
Graduate Student Researcher, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Biofortification of Rice Grains through Genome Editing: Addressing Zinc Deficiency in Asia-Pacific Region
Mr. Erwin Arcillas
Assistant Scientist, International Rice Research Institute, Republic of the Philippines
Microbial-Based Technology as an Alternative to Address Overflow of Agricultural Residues: Production of Vanillin from Lignin Derivatives Using the Recombinant Cell
Dr. Panaya Kotchaplai
Researcher, Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Improving Pennycress Seed Size and Glucosinolate Domestication Traits
Ms. Liza Gautam
Research Scholar, Illinois State University, The United States of America
Improved Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease Resistance in Major Elite TBR225 Rice Cultivar Using CRISPR/Cas9 System
Dr. Nguyen Duy Phuong
Head of Molecular Pathology Department, Agricultural Genetics Institute, Viet Nam
11:40 am
Poster Session
Early career researchers will present at a poster session, during which symposium participants can further engage with them about their research.
12:40 pm
Keynote Presentation: Agricultural Biotechnology in the Developing World - Opportunities and the Role of the Gates Foundation
Mr. Lawrence Kent
Senior Program Officer, Agricultural Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The United States of America
Lunch Served
1:50 pm
Panel Discussion 1: Finding your Market, Traits and Targets, Regulatory Considerations, and Beyond
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Rowland
Mr. Dan Jenkins
Vice President of Regulatory and Government Affairs, Pairwise, The United States of America
Mr. Shimpei Takeshita
President, Sanatech Seed Co., Ltd., Japan
Dr. M. Tahir
Director of Research & Regulatory Affairs, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Canada
Ms. Rebecca Catlett
Director of Marketing & Communication, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Canada
3:20 pm
Panel Discussion 2: Encouraging an Enabling Environment for Agricultural Biotechnology
Moderator: Dr. Stuart Smyth, Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Ms. Chantal March
Director of Quality & Regulatory Compliance, AquaBounty Canada, Inc., Canada
Mr. Martin Mariani Ventura
Global Seeds & Traits Manager, Bioceres Crop Solution, Argentina
Mr. Paul Spencer
Global Trade Policy Advocacy Leader, External Affairs, Corteva Agriscience, The United States of America
Dr. Chee Hark Harn
Director, Seed R&BD Headquarters, ToolGen, Inc., The Republic of Korea
4:20 pm
Closing Remarks
Dr. Jennifer Rowland
4:30 pm
Early Career Researchers: Group Photo
4:45 pm
Meet and Greet with Early Career Researchers
Soft Drinks and Snacks Served
5:45 pm
Symposium Ends for All